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Chartered Business Valuator who can assist with business valuations and income determination for child and spousal support purposes. With more than 15 years of experience in business valuation, pricing, business transactions & investment analysis, Steve Skrlac has the practical and educational background to deliver valuation reports that you can have confidence in.

Steve's strength is in advising his clients on business valuation. He has valued well over 100 businesses of various sizes and industries across Ontario. Steve also has many years of practical open-market experience assisting clients on how to acquire or divest of their privately-held business. He also has previously worked for a major international consulting firm, advising on corporate value measurement and derivative valuation (stock options).

Keystone Business Valuations
3310 South Service Road, Suite 300
Burlington, Ontario L7N 3M6
Tel.: 905-592-1525 Mobile: 905-308-3325 Fax: 1-866-572-0679
Email: steve@keystonebv.ca
Web: www.keystonebv.ca