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Nyla is a Licensed Paralegal, Chartered Business Valuator, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and is also certified as a Specialist in Family and Estate Valuation (FDRP-Val). Nyla is currently a Senior Manager with the Valuations, Forensics and Litigation Group at Fruitman Kates Ornstein Valuations and has over 10 years of experience in business valuations and matrimonial matters.

Nyla primary practice focuses on matrimonial matters and consulting on the financial aspects of separation and divorce. Her experience includes valuing business interests, calculating income for support purposes and determining net family property for matrimonial matters.

Nyla Roopnarinesingh, BA (Hons.), Paralegal, CBV, CDFA, FDRP-Val
Senior Manager, Valuations | Forensics | Litigation
Fruitman Kates Ornstein Valuations

1055 Eglinton Ave. West
Toronto, ON M6C 2C9